Poetry is lighter than air. Therefore, no Undine could dare dispute his title. As Ariel, literature and optical art can arouse a storm and bring it back and tame it again. Sylvia Plath named her last volume of poetry Ariel and wanted to begin it with the word love. Our first Ariel booklet draws on this spirit. Real love is always erotic. In this issue we trace the eroticism of the fruit.
In a globalized world mutual understanding and respect is paramount. Therefore, we need to get to know the other. Language and art are the windows into the others’ gardens & Ariel is thought to be a window opener allowing to get a glimpse of all these gardens’ beauty.
Each issue of Ariel will contain poems, short prose, essays, reviews, text conversations and author interviews. All texts are at least bilingual (German-English), poems and short prose appear in the author’s mother tongue as well, be it Hebrew, Hindi, Dutch or Medumba.