I left, because you had nothing to say, nothing to offer. You, the master of sound, of well-rounded thoughts, had nothing left in your mouth, as my language stripped bare – in silence. Care, protection, loyalty – is something for others. For society, politics, intellectual sleuths. Hey, I bothered to poke you – with ignorance, as a form of violence.
The ego, I guess.
The ego – is private.
I left, because I‘m not a candy store. Have you noticed? Not my face, not my breasts nor the buttocks, not my ethereal lines, my poetry, not even my self-portraits. I am not my brain, not my intellect, my well-spokenness. I am my soul, my emotions. Sometimes, my softness.
I left, because I like to be seen. Not being looked at. Being talked to. Not muted. I left, because I like to love. And be loved, fully. Be lifted up. Not treated poorly.
I left. Because I like to rhyme. Not being rhymed at. Because I wanted a man.
Not an ego.
The ego – is private.
(pride & frailty)
my hands
will be
like doves
flying up
to your cheeks
holding you
and free
A man
comes down the road
that looks like you
I‘m thinking
close enough
homecoming to Riga
I lie down
on the ground
of the sea
the waves
around me
and die
piece by piece
(in exile)
give me
give me
a home
I don‘t
(Πηνελόπη στον Οδυσσέα) *
when you come home
I will tell you
about happy departures
& sad get-togethers
unravelled linen fabrics
& stitched longings
salted waves
& sanded cheeks
about so many
I never loved
& how I waited
for you
to return
(*Penelope to Odysseus)
People tell you
about successes
and superficialities
about whom they’ve met
and what they’ve achieved
how great
their accomplishments are
and how fortunate
their marriages
and you just
and blink
and blink
These are
only the shells, the reflection
of me & this land
being one.
that I adapted.
That I became,
while I remained
a visitor, a diasporic
of this country.
(About poets)
to Ilya Kaminsky
… and then
there is one
just one
out of many
that don‘t matter
who does
who takes
a gun
and brings
you down
with one
single shot.
I was flickering
flickering by
like the dawn
to become
a sunset for a while