Yesim Agaoglu (Turkey)
was born in Istanbul. Studied at the University of Istanbul, holds an MA degree of the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Communications, Department of Radio-TV-Cinema. Attended a part time film lesson using super 8 camera at the New York School of Visual Arts. Her poems have been published in literary journals since the age of 18. So far seven poetry books were published in Turkey and two in Azerbaijan, also, in 2016 and 2017 two poetry books appeared in New York, USA. She also published four poetry E-books that appeared in different languages such as English, German, Spanish, and Russian. She has been continuing contemporary art activities combining different disciplines such as language (poetry, etc.) photography, video and, since 1996, installations. She participated in many solo and group exhi bitions, bienniales, art fairs,etc. in countries, such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, Germany, Norway, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Korea and Russia.
Klaus Anders (Germany)
was born 1952 in Wissen, Rheinladn-Pfalz, lives in Frankfurt / Main, Germany. He worked as a gardener, textile dyer, toolmaker, medical-techniacl assistant. He writes poetry and translates poetry. He published several poetry books, most recent: Sappho träumt. Gedichte, Edition Rugerup, Berlin 2014, HE Most recent translation: Lillegraven, Ruth: Sichel. Langgedicht, Edition Rugerup, Berlin 2019
Dr. Kai Bleifuß (Germany)
lives in Tübingen, Germany. He is an author, writes prose and essays. Has won several literary prizes and stipends. Has published several novels and short stories. Most recent: Träumen im Steilhang. Geschichten in Bildern, Freiburg i. Br., Germany 2019. Dr. Bleifuss is a co-editor of ARIEL-ART.
Crauss (Germany)
born 1971lives in Siegen, Germany, studies literary sciences, holds a job as a creative writing teacher (University of Siegen), is a secretary of a music label, copy writer (Latvian), sorter (post office) and dancer (museum of con-temp. arts). He is a member of various literary groups, writes lyrics, poems, translations, trans-positions, short short stories, reviews. He is a member of the QUEERL network of queer poets. His recent publications: 2018 DIE HARTE SEITE DES HIMMELS (pilot poems) and SCHUNDFAKTOR (essays) 2016 DIESER JUNGE / DIGITAL TOES (e_book) 2015 BUNTE SOCKEN TRAGEN (love poems) 2014 SCHÖNHEIT (essay on beauty in literature) 2013 SCHÖNHEIT DES WAS-SERS (the beauty of water), poems 2011 LAKRITZVERGIFTUNG (licorice poison-ing), poems and translations.
Mátyás Dunjacsik (Hungary, Germany)
is a multilingual poet, translator, author, performer and cultural organizer, member of the QUEERL network of queer poets. His latest books include Unterwasserstädte (Edition Solitude, Stuttgart, 2017), A szemüveges szirén (Kolibri, Budapest, 2016) and Balbec Beach (Libri, Budapest, 2012). Working with the Hungarian, English, French, Icelandic and German tongue, he often mixes languages and mediums in his work.
Amadé Esperer (Germany)
is the founder and editor of the multilingual literary journal ARIEL and the e_zine ARIEL-ART. He is a multi-award-winning multi-lingual poet, flash fiction writer, essayist and literary translator. Most recently, he edited the anthologies Yehuda Amichai. Poems (2018), Between Würzburg and Jerusalem (2018), and Yehuda Amichai and the Contemporary Poetry of Israel (2019) with translations of Amichai’s late poetical oeuvre. He has also published several volumes of his own poetry, most recently: Die Bewohnbarkeit des Mondlichts (2019), Still.Lives (2020) and “A Universal Theory of Love (2021), as well as the flash fiction volume Im Auge lacht der Augenblick (2020). His work has been translated in various languages, such as English, Romanian and Hindi. In 2018, he established the Würzburg Amichai Poetry Readings, which he has since directed on an annual basis under the patronage of the city of Würzburg:
Daniela Geßlein (Germany)
was born in 1981. She lives and works in Lichtenfels, her main occupation being foreign language correspondent and export manager. During her time off, she enjoys reading and writing. Most of all she likes fantasy, mixed with a bit of history, mythology, humor and romance. She published several books, most recent: Tolossos as paperback and e-book, Amazon publ. 2019, Projekt Keltentor as paperback and e-book, Amazon publ. 2020, and the short stories Frang’ngold in: Frang’ng – May contain traces of pleasure, Iatros Verlag 2018, Erinnye in: Im Bann der Seelendämmerung, Arcanum Verlag 2019 and The Author, Wortlaut 25, 2019. (
Dr. Stefan Hölscher (Germany)
was born in Hildesheim, Germany, and lives in town near Heidelberg and in Berlin. He studied philosophy, psychology, literary studies, etc. (Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych., M.A.) and works as a management coach, trainer, consultant. He is a non-fiction author, poet, aphorist, essayist and reviewer. Together with the solo bassist Michael Schneider he performs as the duo “Lyrik-Kontra-Bass”. He as published several poetry books, most recent: Schrille Gefilde. Gedichte, Geest Verlag, Vechta-Langförden 2014, Laut weise. Gedichte und Aphorismen, Geest Verlag, 2016, Prinzipien oder keine. Der schwarze Uhu weise schwätzt, Geest Verlag, 2018. He recently edited the highly acclaimed queer poetry anthology So gerade / nicht, Geest Verlag 2020.